Month 1: Build Rapport, Goal Setting & Assessment

Coaching Session #1: Coaching session #1: Executive coach intro (establish rapport)

Coaching Session #2: Goal setting (discuss talent assessments, define KPIs,

Month 2: Visioning & Self Awareness (Self Growth Coaching)

Coaching Session #3: Define a personal & professional vision

Coaching Session #4: Personality profile (DISC, MBTI, or other), behavior levers & how to "get there"

Month 3: 360 Degree Environment (Relational Coaching)

Coaching Session #5: Reporting to the superior & collaborating with peers

Coaching Session #6: Managing & leading the team + internal/external communication

Month 4: Application & Feedback

Coaching Session #7: Review progress against objectives + building self-discipline to stay on-track

Coaching Session #8: Feedback from direct team & broader organization

Note: optional: integrate/replace specialty skills sessions, such as presentation skills, emotional intelligence, etc.

Month 5: Impact

Coaching Session #9: Review business/leadership impact & positive changes

Coaching Session #10: Behavioral impact continued (identify next areas of improvement)

Month 6: Review & Renew

Coaching Session #9: Measure progress: Identify key areas of personal & professional growth

Coaching Session #10: Performance optimization & wellness sessions to align body + mind

{*Bookend session to determine focus and plan for possible monthly check-ins}

Confidential Copyright (©) 2024 CxO Coaching

While we believe our sessions need to be tailored to the needs of each executive (and take into account situational and current priorities), we still aim to follow a fairly loose curriculum that starts by building greater self-awareness and ends with driving greater positive impact through a higher level of leadership quality. Here is an example schedule for professional executive development coaching for a CxO participant:

Optional Months
Months 7 - 12: Stay On Track Maintenance Program

Monthly coaching sessions as needed, on-demand that are mostly situational in nature with possible preparation and follow up, as needed